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RPL,EBS,FTES, Distance Learning

Duration : 3 Month to 2 Years

Eligibility: Matriculation or Above

Experience Based Diploma Award is a means of recognising the skills, achievements and knowledge that adults have already gained when they enter education and training.

You may already have vocational experience or non-traditional qualifications. We will take this into account when you apply for a course. Applicants who do not have formal entry qualifications, but who have experience in the area to be studied, can be offered places or could be given exemptions from preliminary parts of a course through Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL).

RPEL is also relevant for companies and institutions that use continuing professional development to raise the skills of their workforces. Many institutes and organizations allow relevant prior learning such as non-certificated learning programmes to be taken into account, for example for teachers or learning support assistants who are in training. We are interested in students with a range of prior experience and skills.

Skill Development Council Punjab & Trade Testing Board & Skill Development Association Issued the Certificates and Diplomas 

Dalazak Peshawar Pakistan.  


T          :      091-5514875

OFF M : ​     0303-8282134

© 2017 by Malik Kamran Khan


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