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Institute of Distance Learning

Distance Learning


Distance learning (E-Learning)



Distance learning, sometimes called e-learning, is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to be carried out remotely by using electronic communication. Because distance learning is less expensive to support and is not constrained by geographic considerations, it offers opportunities in situations where traditional education has difficulty operating. Students with scheduling or distance problems can benefit, as can employees, because distance education can be more flexible in terms of time and can be delivered virtually anywhere.

Popular distance learning technologies include:

  • Voice-centered technology, such as CD or MP3 recordings or Webcasts

  • Video technology, such as instructional videos, DVDs, and interactive videoconferencing

  • Computer-centered technology delivered over the Internet or corporate intranet

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Studies indicate that distance learning can be as effective as the traditional format when the methods are appropriate to the teaching tasks, there is student-teacher interaction, and the teachers provide students with appropriate and timely feedback.



RPL / Distance Learning


What is the difference between Recognition of Prior Learning and Distance Learning?


In layperson’s terms RPL is where you don’t start from scratch with study – you compile an evidence portfolio that demonstrates you are already competent in the required skills and knowledge for each unit of competency. Distance Learning is where you are provided login to an online portal so that you can study the theory content of that unit before proceeding to the assessment.

Dalazak Peshawar Pakistan.  


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